MAHJONG . MAHJONGG everywhere 全美麻將會

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We Love MahJong/MahJongg
And Everybody Loves "USA MAHJONGG CLUB" (USAMJC usa magic)
MAHJONG/MAHJONGG : one of the most popular, most played and most sophisticated games in this world! Let's try to learn to master this
enjoyable art of playing MAHJONG/MAHJONGG.
{special note} There are so many different ways playing Mahjongg/Mahjong (developed throughout various locations in the world during a very long time) : conventional Chinese, Taiwanese,
HongKong/Cantonese, European/Netherland and the USA/Jewish(w/Jokers) styles.
For almost 50 years since 1950 Red China had tried to discourage Mahjongg as gambling, corruption and one of
the four "olds" : old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits. Mahjongg was completely banned during China's 60's & 70's Cultural Revolution. Was the effort successful?
No. Outside of China, Mahjongg games have been more popular; with more variations such as Mahjongg playing cards and computer Mahjongg games. Even on internet with
Japanese & Dutch sites exploding all over; new interests increase everyday.
China finally realized that Japan might take over this clacking of the heavy tiles just like
judo, domino games, flower arrangements and other nice Chinese traditions and in 1998 decided to reclassify Mahjongg as a "sport" and allow public "tournaments."
For Traditional/Chinese/International 21st Century Mahjongg (two "g"s) please visit MAHJONGG STORE.
For American/Jewish(w/Jokers) Mahjong (one "g") please visit MAHJONG SHOP.
[Play-Guides & Rules]
PART A : American/Jewish(w/Jokers) PlayStyles
Here we deal with Mahjong complete sets suitable for all players & american tournament style (with Jokers & extra flowers/blanks) only! We will concentrate on American/Jewish(w/Jokers) MAHJONG play guides & rules using complete Mahjong sets in this PART A.
MAHJONGG is a game of skill coupled with wit and luck. It originated in China and dates back into ancient times of about two thousand years ago,
through many Chinese Dynasties. The games became emperors' game in palace since Ming dynasty. We use modern term MAHJONG (one "G") for American/Jewish(w/Jokers) plays here
to distinguish it from traditional playstyles.
* Identify Tiles
The standard has 160 tiles in each MAHJONG set. You need 152 tiles for playing MAHJONG; the rest/extra tiles are given as spares.
The 152 tiles are grouped in four (4) family-arrangements, making them easy to recognize instantly.
***Four Families/Groups : Honors (28 tiles), Suits (108 tiles), Flowers (8 tiles) and Jokers (8 tiles).
**Honors (28 tiles) are devided into two (2) sub-groups, Winds and Dragons:
. . . Four Winds (E,S,W,N; four tiles each)
. . Three Dragons (Red,Green,White; four tiles each)
**Suits (108 tiles) are devided into three (3) sub-groups, Circles, Bamboos and Characters:
. . . . . . . . Nine Circles (four tiles each; aka Dots)
. . . . . . . . Nine Bamboos (four tiles each; aka Bams)
. . . . . . . . Nine Characters (four tiles each; aka Craks)
**Flowers (8 tiles: 1 spring, 2 summer, 3 autumn, 4 winter and 1 Fu, 2 Lu, 3 Shu, 4 Csi)
**Jokers (8 tiles; identical, as wild tiles to help improve player's hand)
. . . . . . . 
* Identify Other Items Used in MAHJONG Games
*Racks : Each player has his/her own rack to hold his/her tiles. The little nail-like projections on the left of each rack is the place to hold the player's chips. The rack holds 13 tiles and several chips. Each player receives
13 tiles except the EAST player, in which case East gets one extra tile to start the game.
*Dice : Each player rolls the dice. The player with the highest number becomes the East ot Host and starts the game. If more than one game is played , the person to the right of the East becomes the East for the next game.
*Chips/MAHJONG Money : Mahjong set comes with several colored chips, they are used to keep the point scores. Before the games different color chips are given different point values determined by all players. Each player has 1,000 points
represented by chips at the beginning of the games : 6 chips of one color are worth 25 points each; 10 chips of another color 5 points each; 4 chips of the third color 200 points each.
*Bettor : A person, not participating as a player in the game, can bet on the game by locking in on the bettor his selection of the player he thinks will win. He then places the bettor face down on the center of the table until the game is over.
* To Start
***Selection of East, South, West and North (see above *Dice)
***Build Game Walls, Break Walls
*A. Racks are placed in a square, one rack in front of each player.
*B. All 152 tiles are mixed and placed face-down in the center of the square formed by the racks.
*C. All four players throw the dice. The player with the highest number becomes the first East.
*D. To Build the Walls: Each player builds a wall of tiles face-down in front of his/her rack two tiles high.
All 152 tiles should now be part of four walls. (E, S, W, N; 38 tiles per wall)
*E. To Break the Wall: East throws two dice. The number which results is the number East uses to count the stacks of tiles in front of his rack, from right to left, stopping at this number.
EXAMPLE : If East throws the dice and the number resulting is seven (7) East starts at the right side of his wall of tiles and counts seven stacks of tiles to the left. East then stops at the seventh tile and takes the next 4 tiles. (two tiles from
the top, two from the bottom row). Each player (always going to the right of East) takes his turn taking the next 4 tiles. The taking of two stakes of tiles by each player is continued 3 times.
Each player should now have 12 tiles. East now takes the next 2 top tiles. Each other player takes one more tile in sequential order. Each player should now have 13 tiles and East should now have 14 tiles.
*F. Each player arranges his tiles on his rack in groups so that he/she can easily decide which particular hand he/she should set as the goal for this game of Mahjong.
*G. The goal or object of Mahjong game: to win you must match your tiles exactly with a "hand."
*H. A "hand" is composed of 14 tiles. Before the game begins, the players can make up several different hands and points values for each hand, or they can use the 15 basic hands and values included in this page (below), which have been
compiled for your convenience.
Note : "Hands" are devided into 2 types: Exposed Hands and Concealed Hands.
In an Exposed Hand, a player may pick up a discarded tile from the center of the square formed by the racks if it is the last tile he/she needs to complete a KONG, PUNG, QUINT or MAHJONG.
a. A KONG is 4 of a kind with the same numerical value. Example: four number 5 Bams is a Kong. If a player is working on an exposed hand and has three number 5 Bams, he/she may call for and pick up a discarded number 5 Bam from the center when it is his/her turn.
b. A PUNG is 3 of a kind with the same numerical value.
c. A QUINT is 5 flowers.
In a CONSEALED HAND, a player may pick up a discarded tile from the center of the square formed by the racks. IF it is the LAST tile he/she needs to win MAHJONG.
Concealed Hand : 25 points  .  .  .    .    
Exposed Hand : 20 points  .  .  .    .    
Color Rule
Note: If you use Bams and Dragons in the same hand, the Dragons must be GREEN. If you use Craks and Dragons in the same hand, the Dragons must be RED. If you use Dots and Dragons in the same hand, the Dragons must be WHITE.
After each player sets his tiles and goal, he is ready to start the first Exahange, or Charleston, which is compulsory.
This is an exchange of tiles at the start of the game. It's a chance to improve your hand by getting rid of unwanted tiles. The three (3) steps to the First Exchange are:
1. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to his right.
2. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to the player opposite him.
3. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to the player at his left.
The Second Exchange of tiles is OPTIONAL. All players must agree to the Second Exchange. There are 3 steps to the Second Exchange:
1. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to the player at his left.
2. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to the player opposite him.
3. Each player passes 3 unwanted tiles to his right.
NOTE: Once you start the Exchange you must complete all 3 steps. If you're satisfied with your tiles and do not wish to exchange, then you may pass the 3 tiles given to you without looking at them. This is
called a "Blind Pass." No "Jokers" are passed during an Exchange. All other tiles may be passed.
* To Play
**Exchange & Round
Each player, working counter-clockwise from East, picks up the next tile from the Wall. He/She then looks at it and places it
concealed on the flat top part of the rack. Then he/she discards one unwanted tile (placing the discarded tile face-up in the center area made by the racks). A player
must always keep only 13 tiles on his/her rack at one time. If by error, a player has more tiles, or less tiles than the 13 (other than East who has 14 tiles) his hand is considered dead.
A DEAD HAND means the player may no longer continue palyer Mahjong until the game is won, or over. THE PLAYER WITH THE DEAD HAND KEEPS HIS HAND CONCEALED. He/She does not show the hand to any other player until the game is completed.
If a player needs a tile discarded by another player and the tile is now in the center of the square, he must follow these rules:
a. If the player's hand is a Concealed Hand, he can only call for a tile from the center of the square, only if it is the LAST tile he needs to complete Mahjong.
b. If a player's hand is an Exposed Hand, he can only call for any tile needed to complete either a Kong, Pung, Quint or Mahjong.
A ROUND is the process of each player continuing to pick up a tile from the wall and discarding an unwanted tile face-up, in the center of the square formed by the racks.
Rounds are continued until a player wind Mahjong by matching his tiles with a particular hand. If no one wins and all tiles are used, another wall is built and players continue to play until someone wins.
* To Win/Score
Numerical values are given to each hand. This is pre-determined by the players when the make up the hands before the games begins. Chips are used to pay the winner.
If a player wins Mahjong due to the fact that another player discarded the one tile needed to complete his hand, that player who discarded the tile must pay double the worth of the hand.
*** Definition:
In the Exchange or Charleston, a player takes the three tiles from one player and passes them to another without looking at them. In this way the player's original tiles have not been changed. Players use
the blind pass when they want to keep all their original tiles.
A player who is trying to obtain a hand which is valued as concealed, may pick up a discarded tile from the center of the square formed by the racks...ONLY if it's the LAST tile he needs to win Mahjong.
If a player makes an error, either picking up too many tiles or having too few tiles, his hand is considered DEAD. He may not continue playing Mahjong until the current game is over. He keeps his dead
hand out of view of all other players until the game is won. He must still pay the winner the full value of the hand.
East is the host and has an advantage of starting one more tile than all other players--14 tiles, instead of 13.
It is a three step process used by all players in an effort to improve their hand. Each player passes three unwanted tiles to another player.
If a player is trying to obtain a hand which is valued as exposed, he may pick up a discarded tile from the center of the square form by the racks, if it's the last tile needs to complete a Kong, Pung,
Quint or Mahjong.
The main goal of Mahjong is to match your tiles with a HAND. A HAND is a grouping of 14 tiles made up by the player before the game starts. Several hands are usually made up and one
copy is given to each player.
**KONG: 4 of a kind with the same numerical value. Example: 4 number 8 Bams is a Kong.
**PUNG: 3 of a kind with the same numerical value. Example: 3 number 5 Craks is a Pung.
**QUINTS: 5 flowers of any kind!
Each of the four players, having picked up a tile and discarded a tile, comprises one round.

***Rules & Penalities
If two players both claim a discarded tile, the tile is awarded to the player who needs it as the last tile to complete Mahjong.
If Mahjong is called in error and no one exposed his hand, the game continues.....No penalty
No player may pick a tile out of turn. Warning...no penalty.
No player may look at more than one tile each time he/she picks a tile from the wall. Warning...no penalty.
If Mahjong is called mistakenly and a hand was exposed, the player with the exposed hand is out of the game.....{penalty} The player with the exposed hand must pay winner.
If Mahjong is mistakenly called and all but one player exposed his hand, the game is over.....{penalty} All pay the player with the unexposed hand.
Once a player discarded a tile, it cannot be exchanged.....{penalty} Play must stand.
To claim a tile a plyer must name the tile correctly.....{penalty} If incorrectly named the tile may not be claimed.
If a player has too few or too many tiles, his hand is considered dead.....{penalty} A player with a dead hand can not complete the game. He must keep his hand concealed until the game is over. He must pay the winner.
If a player wins Mahjong because of a tile discarded by another player, the player who discarded the tile pays double the worth of the winning hand.
If a player wins Mahjong without calling for a discarded tile and without using a Joker, the value of the hands is doubled.....{penalty} All players pay double.
Bettor must always be concealed.....{penalty} If number is hsown before the end of the game, all bets are cancelled.
The bettor pays and/or receives full value of the hand he's betting.....{penalty} All penalties or awards received by the player backed by the bettor, are also charged to the bettor.
***EXAMPLES OF WINNER HANDS (Jokers can be used anywhere)
  .   .    .    ........Exposed Hand 25 points!
  .   .    .    ........Exposed Hand 25 points!
  .   .    .    ........Exposed Hand 25 points!
 .  .  .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 15 points!
 .  .  .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 15 points!
 .  .  .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 15 points!
 .  .   .   . Four Flowers...Exposed Hand 25 points!
 .  .   .   . Four Flowers...Exposed Hand 25 points!
 .  .   .   . Four Flowers...Exposed Hand 25 points!
   .  .    .    ........Exposed Hand 20 points!
   .  .    .    ........Exposed Hand 20 points!
  .   .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 20 points!
  .   .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 20 points!
  .   .   .   . Two Flowers...Concealed Hand 20 points!
  .   .   .   . Two Flowers...Exposed Hand 15 points!
Complete Sets of Mahjong for All Players{Gold Set in Showcase}
[Play-Guides & Rules]
PART B : Traditional/Chinese/International PlayStyles
Here we deal with Mahjongg traditional sets suitable for all international/chinese tournament style (without Jokers) only! We will concentrate on traditional/international MAHJONGG play guides & rules using Mahjongg sets in this PART B.
MAHJONGG is a game of skill coupled with wit and luck. It originated in China and dates back into ancient times of about two thousand years ago,
through many Chinese Dynasties. The games became emperors' game in palace since Ming dynasty. We use traditional term MAHJONGG (two "G"s) for Traditional/Chinese/International plays here to distinguish it from American/Jewish(w/Jokers) Jong playstyles.
* Identify Tiles
The standard has 144 tiles in each MAHJONG set. Of them 136 are basic core tiles! The 144 tiles are grouped in three (3) family-arrangements, making them easy to recognize instantly.
***Four Families/Groups : Honors (28 tiles), Suits (108 tiles) and Flowers (8 tiles).
**Honors (28 tiles) are devided into two (2) sub-groups, Winds and Dragons:
. . . Four Winds (E,S,W,N; four tiles each)
. . Three Dragons (Red,Green,White; four tiles each)
**Suits (108 tiles) are devided into three (3) sub-groups, Circles, Bamboos and Characters:
. . . . . . . . Nine Circles (four tiles each; aka Dots)
. . . . . . . . Nine Bamboos (four tiles each; aka Bams)
. . . . . . . . Nine Characters (four tiles each; aka Craks)
**Flowers (8 tiles: 1 spring, 2 summer, 3 autumn, 4 winter and 1 Plum, 2 Orchid, 3 Chrysanthemum, 4 Bamboo)
* Identify Other Items Used in MAHJONGG Games
*Hands : Each player has his/her own tiles during the game (traditional: 13 tiles; variations: 16 tiles). At the beginning each player receives
13 tiles except the EAST player, in which case East gets one extra tile to start the game. To make a hand it takes 13+1=14 tiles.
*Dice : Each player rolls the dice. The player with the highest number becomes the East ot Host and starts the game. If more than one game is played , the person to the right of the East becomes the East for the next game.
[*Mingg : or a set of four Wind discs, useful to mark the position of each wind during the play.]
[*Counting Sticks : 4 types/values; each player receives equal amount of sticks before games start.]
* To Start
***Selection of East, South, West and North (see above *Dice)
***Build Game Walls, Break Walls
*A. Tiles are placed into a square form (4 sides for four walls).
*B. All 136/144 tiles are mixed and placed face-down in two layers to form the four walls.
*C. All four players throw the dice. The player with the highest number becomes the first East.
*D. To Build the Walls: Each player builds a wall of tiles face-down in front of his/her rack two tiles high.
All 136 tiles should now be part of four walls. (E, S, W, N; 34 tiles per wall)
*E. To Break the Wall: East throws two dice. The number which results is the number East uses to count the stacks of tiles in front of his rack, from right to left, stopping at this number.
EXAMPLE : If East throws the dice and the number resulting is seven (7) East starts at the right side of his wall of tiles and counts seven stacks of tiles to the left. East then stops at the seventh tile and takes the next 4 tiles. (two tiles from
the top, two from the bottom row). Each player (always going to the right of East) takes his turn taking the next 4 tiles. The taking of two stakes of tiles by each player is continued 3 times.
Each player should now have 12 tiles. East now takes the next 2 top tiles. Each other player takes one more tile in sequential order. Each player should now have 13 tiles and East should now have 14 tiles.
*F. Each player arranges his tiles in groups so that he/she can easily decide which particular hand he/she should set as the goal for this game of Mahjongg.
*G. The goal or object of Mahjongg game: to win you must make your tiles exactly a "hand."
*H. A "hand" is composed of 14 tiles. There are several different hands and points values for each hand.
The Game Proper/Go Mahjongg/Completing of Hands : The "East" is going to start the game by discarding one tile, and then by turn 'the drawing one tile in order to discard one', followed by South, West and North. The purpose of drawing and discarding is to form four sets of "three tiles"; i.e., each set either can be formed by
three of a kind or by a sequence which means a straight number of 3 tiles of the same group except Dragons and Winds. In addition to the 4 sets, there must be an extra pair making the total number in hand 14 tiles, this is "The Complete/Successful Hand" which wins the game. See examples of scores shown below.
(a) TO CHOW...When a player discards one piece, only the one of next turn has the chance to "chow". the one who takes in the discarded piece to form a sequence lays those three pieces on the table facing upward (unless the same piece is required at the same time by either one of the other 2 players "pong" or "kong"),
and then discards one piece maintaining always 13 tiles in his/her hand altogether. The next draw from the wall will come in turn to the player sitting on the next turn of the one who just "chowed" or "ponged".
(b) TO PUNG...If a player prossesses a pair he/she can pung the same piece which corresponds the one just discarded (by any of the 3 players) and places this said pair with the discarded piece of the same kind in front of him/her facing upward and discards one from him/her as the game goes on. But if another player
requires the same piece to complete a hand then the privilege of pung (or chow) is totally deprived. Suppose a player discards one piece and the same piece is required for completing a hand by 2 or 3 players the same time, the player who sits nearest the next turn has the right to take and complete the hand.
(c) TO KONG...If a player has three of a kind in his/her hand he can declare "Kong" when the 4th/last piece discarded by others (except when the piece is required by another player to complete a hand). A kong formed by a tile discarded by others is called "Open Kong" and that formed by a tile drwn by him/herself is
called "Close Kong". Again, when a player has already ponged a set on the table and draws one more of the same kind from the wall by himself, it's treated as an Open Kong; but no one is allowed to kong the 4th of a kind which is diacarded by others when he/she has ponged already (except drawn by himself).
For Open Kongs the player should lay the 4 tiles on the table all facing up, while for the Close Kongs one only lays 2 of them up and 2 down on the table showing the distinction. In the case of Close Kong, even if the same piece is required by another to complete a hand, the drawer only has the right to keep it.
Any player who has konged must draw one tile more from the "loose tiles" at the end of the wall to recover the correct number (13 pieces) in hand (4 of a kind is treated as a set of three).
*To Pay
**After a player has completed his/her hand, each of the other players has to lay down tiles upward and scores the points (refer to Score Table). Now the winner (completed hand) receives the whole score from each of the three losers regardless of their own scores. Then among those three losers, each settles with the rest two by paying
the difference between their scores from each other. As usual the payment is settled by means of counting sticks/counters which represent a certain amount of money according to their sizes or colors used. The East (starter) always receives or pays double the amount of the other three but the rest three receives or pays the ordinary rate.
**When the East wins he/she can remain to be East for the next game until he/she fails to win. Then the East will be passed on. In case there is no completion of hands until there are only 7 stacks left (14 tiles) including the "Loose Tiles" at the end of the wall, the game is treated as Draw and no score will be counted. An
additional stack will be made to the "Loose Tiles" for each Kong, whether Open or Close.
**According to usual custom the highest score for each hand is limited to 300 points. The points beyond that limitation are not counted. At the completion of each hand, the winner is entitled to add the Basal points (10 points) to his/her total points. The Basal points are not given to the losers. (see score table)
**If a winning hand possesses of all the kinds of Dragons or all the Winds either in 3 or 4 of a kinds it is usually considered as full score (300 points).
The Score Table
*Combination of sets on table: (except sequence which has no score) these are formed by Pongs & Kongs, and can apply to all hands as follows:
PARTICULARS | No. of Points |
Three of a kind (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) | 2 points |
Three "Ones" or "Nines" | 4 points |
Three of a kind of any Wind group | 4 points |
Three of a kind of Dragon group | 4 points |
Four of a kind (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) | 8 points |
Four of a kind of any of "Ones" or "Nines" | 16 points |
Four of a kind of any Wind group | 16 points |
Three of a kind of any Dragon group | 16 points |
A pair of Dragon Group or of player's own Wind (starter is East, etc.) | 2 points |
*Combination of sets in hands (except sequence which has no score) these are formed by drawing from wall himself as follows:
PARTICULARS | No. of Points |
Three of a kind (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) | 4 points |
Three "Ones" or "Nines" | 8 points |
Three of a kind of any Wind group | 8 points |
Three of a kind of Dragon group | 8 points |
Four of a kind (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) | 16 points |
Four of a kind of any of "Ones" or "Nines" | 32 points |
Four of a kind of any Wind group | 32 points |
Three of a kind of any Dragon group | 32 points |
A pair of Dragon Group or of player's own Wind (starter is East, etc.) | 2 points |
*Special basal scores: The basal score (10 points generally) is only entitled to the winning hand, to be added to the winner's total scoring points. Sometimes the special basal score may be 20, 30 or more as the players may agree upon before the games start.
**Double Honor Scores
A. The followings are applied to all hands:
1. Three or four of the player's own position wind either on table or in hand---Double the total score.
2. Three or four of any of Dragon group---Double the total score.
B. The followings are applied to winning hands only:
1. A hand of one group (Circle, Bamboo or Character) mixed with Dragons or Winds of a pair only---Double the total score.
2. A hand of purely one group (Circle, Bamboo or Character)---Double the total score 3 times. It means 8 folds : if the total score is 18 points in doubling 3 times, it reaches a total of 144 points.
3. To complete hand on drawing the first tile from the wall by starter/chief of the game (very unusual)---Full Points (300).
4. To complete hand with the first discarded piece (from the starter)---Half of Full Points (150).
Concerning winning hands, we take for instance a player who possesses more than one Double Honor set either on table or in hand, he/she can double the total score according to the scores table for each Honor set. For example. his score is 36 , and he has 4 of a kind of Dragon group
and 3 of his own Wind and the rest is of the same group (Circle, Bamboo or Character) then the total score (36) doubles three times which arrives at the final score of 288 points.
The procedure of playing with 8 flower tiles (144 tiles altogether) is the same as playing without them. The idea is to mark the score higher with flowers and provide more excitements. When a player gets/draws one flower tile he/she should lay it on the table facing up,
and before discarding he/she should draw one tile from "Loose Tiles" at the end of the wall in order to recover the correct number of tiles in hand.
The score for each flower tile is four points. In doubling the score of the flowers they are treated just like the Winds; i.e., if the East (or starter/chief of the game) gets Spring or Plum he/she can double the total score once besides the four points he/she is entitled to;
and if East gests both Spring and Plum he/she can double the total score twice. Again if the South palyer of the game gets Summer or Orchid, the West Autumn or Chrysanthemum, and the North gets Winter or Bamboo, they also can double their total score in the same manner. But if the East
or other players gets no flower of their own position (such as the East gets Summer, Autumn or Bamboo, etc.) they are entitled to four points only and can not double the score.
Any player gets four flower tiles (a complete set such as Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter or Plum-Orchid-Chrysanthemum-Bamboo) at one time he/she can double the total score two times. If all eight pieces (2 complete flower sets) he/she can double the total score four times.
A. Extra Scores: (For winning hand only)
Under following cases, extra scores either to add 10 points to the total score after completing a winner hand, or double the total score as the players like to, may be agreed to before the games start:
1. No straight/sequence in hand or on table.
2. Winning tile drawn from the "Loose Tiles" after a Kong.
3. Entirely no points after completing hand (Basal points excluded).
4. If the player wins by drawing the last tile from which the game is to be declared as draw.
5. To complete hand by utilizing the 4th piece which is going to form an "Open Kong" drawn by the other player who has ponged the same already.
B. Other Additional Scores: (For winning hand only)
1. winning piece drawn by winner him/herself : 2 points.
2. Winning piece to match the only tile such as forming a pair, filling in the middle to form straight/sequence of fitting on only one side to make a straight.
  .   .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 3 one Circle | 4 | 8 |
For 3 two Bamboos | 2 | 4 |
For pair red Dragons | 2 (always in hand) | 2 |
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 18 points | 24 points |
18 is the smallest possible score. If final piece to complete hand is drawn from wall, add 2 to the Score; if final piece to complete hand is filled in the only possible place, add 2 to the Score.
  .   .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score................10 points
For entirely no points added..........................10 points
Total.............................................................20 points
  .   .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 3 one circle | 4 | 8 |
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 14 points | 18 points |
Double again for one group (Circle) | 28 | 36 |
If winner sits "West" add 2 to score for a pair of own wind before doubling, making final score 32 if on htable and 40 if in hand.
  .   .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 3 green Dragons | 4 | 8 |
For pair white Dragons | 2 (always in hand) | 2 |
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 16 points | 20 points |
Double once for 3 green Dragons | 32 | 40 |
Double again for one group (Character) | 64 | 80 |
     .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 3 three Bamboos | 2 | 4 |
For 3 nine Bamboos | 4 | 8 |
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 16 points | 22 points |
Double three times for all of purely one group | 128 | 176 |
  .   .   .   .  
The above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 3 white Dragons | 4 | 8 |
For 3 green Dragons | 4 | 8 |
For Winning Hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 18 points | 26 points |
Double once for 3 white Dragons | 36 | 52 |
Double again for 3 green Dragons | 72 | 104 |
Double again for one group (Character) | 144 | 208 |
If winner sits "North" add 2 for pair of own wind before doubling, making final score 160 if on table, and 224 if in hand.
   .   .   .   .  
The above hand is considered as full score (300 points), regardless of score. If it is a non-limited the above hand scores as follows:
Particulars | If on table | If in hand |
For 4 white Dragons | 16 | 32 |
For 3 red Dragons | 4 | 8 |
For 3 green Dragons | 4 | 8 |
For 3 East Winds | 4 | 8 |
For winning hand, or Basal Score | 10 | 10 |
For no straight sequence | 10 | 10 |
TOTAL | 48 points | 76 points |
For 4 white Dragons double the total | 96 | 152 |
For 3 red Dragons double again | 192 | 304 |
Double again for 3 green Dragons | 384 | 608 |
Double again for one group | 768 | 1216 |
If winner sits East double again | 1536 | 2432 |
***Game in Rounds
The Mahjongg game is played by rounds instead of by time. Each player is entitled to be chief/starter once in a round (the chief keeps on to be starter if other players do not win that game). After four rounds the seating of players should be changed again by means if dicing, just as when first started. Generally
people play eight rounds, but may be renewed as many rounds as the players desire.
Doubling the Scores (vertical/left column, 2 to 60 )
Score | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 |
6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 | 192 | 384 |
8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 |
10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 | 320 | 640 |
12 | 24 | 48 | 96 | 192 | 384 | 768 |
14 | 28 | 56 | 112 | 224 | 448 | 896 |
16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 |
18 | 36 | 72 | 144 | 288 | 576 | 1152 |
20 | 40 | 80 | 160 | 320 | 640 | 1280 |
22 | 44 | 88 | 176 | 352 | 704 | 1408 |
24 | 48 | 96 | 192 | 384 | 768 | 1536 |
26 | 52 | 104 | 208 | 416 | 832 | 1664 |
28 | 56 | 112 | 224 | 448 | 896 | 1792 |
30 | 60 | 120 | 240 | 480 | 960 | 1920 |
32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 |
34 | 68 | 136 | 272 | 544 | 1088 | 2176 |
36 | 72 | 144 | 288 | 576 | 1152 | 2304 |
38 | 76 | 152 | 304 | 608 | 1216 | 2432 |
40 | 80 | 160 | 320 | 640 | 1280 | 2560 |
42 | 84 | 168 | 336 | 672 | 1344 | 2688 |
44 | 88 | 176 | 352 | 704 | 1408 | 2816 |
46 | 92 | 184 | 368 | 736 | 1472 | 2944 |
48 | 96 | 192 | 384 | 768 | 1536 | 3072 |
50 | 100 | 200 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 3200 |
52 | 104 | 208 | 416 | 832 | 1664 | 3328 |
54 | 108 | 216 | 432 | 864 | 1728 | 3456 |
56 | 112 | 224 | 448 | 896 | 1792 | 3584 |
58 | 116 | 232 | 464 | 928 | 1856 | 3712 |
60 | 120 | 240 | 480 | 960 | 1920 | 3840 |
Above Center: Regular Mahjongg Table
Above Left: Deluxe Computerized Automatic Mahjongg Table
Above Right: Premium Computerized Automatic Mahjongg Table
HealthMagnet Mahjongg Tiles (33mm x 25mm x 17mm) are provided for Computerized Automatic Mahjongg Table games.
[LEFT: Automatic Shuffling in action mode, peek view]
[BELOW: Computerized Automatic Actions]
Left: Sending tiles to Automatic Shuffling !
Center: Automatic Setting and Wall-making !
Right: Automatic Dicing ! Two buttons for auto-marker and center-elevating. 200V AC, 50HZ, 50Watt. 36" x 36" x 30"-tall. 200 lb.
[LEFT: Gold-backed Mahjongg Tiles Sets]
24K-gold wrapped tile-back! Pure Gold Layer around tile-back! Expensive Artwork!!
Off-white tile face; collectible enjoyment only!
Contact us by E-mail domino32@tiac.net. for Automatic Tables and Gold-Backed Tiles sales.
Tentative Prices for Computerized Automatic Mahjongg Tables/with two sets of HealthMagnet Mahjongg tiles (green and blue backed, improving health while playing!):
Deluxe Table : $8,000 USD; & Premium Table : $6,500 USD. Delivery time : 6 months.
Tentative Prices for 24K Gold-Layer-Wrapped-Tile-Back Set : $8,000 USD. Delivery time : 3 months.
COMMENTS : send your comments and questions to domino32@tiac.net.