New Bingo Poker & Casino Playthings
All major credit cards accepted ! Our prices include shipping and handling costs. We deliver to anywhere you want, as a magnificent gift
from you or for yourself.
Illustration {LEFT}
#165F 8-inch diameter WIRE cage bingo set
plastic bingo balls, cards & markers included; (delivered)
Shipping & Handling Included!
We carry all new arrivals! No close-out, no left-over, no liquidation, no auction AND no gimmick;
we deliver with shipping cost included in each item price, no hidden tricks! More importantly, we
are not turn-key type, online white-background cheap vendor-easy sites. Please notice the difference!
Illustration {LEFT}
#5204 8.5-inch diameter gold cage bingo set
cards (60) & board included; (delivered)
#5205 5.5-inch diameter gold cage bingo set
cards (60) & board included; (delivered)
Shipping & Handling Included!
We carry all new arrivals! No close-out, no left-over, no liquidation, no auction AND no gimmick;
we deliver with shipping cost included in each item price, no hidden tricks! More importantly, we
are not turn-key type, online white-background cheap vendor-easy sites. Please notice the difference!
Illustration {LEFT}
#5201 7-inch diameter metal frame cage wooden bingo set
cards & board included; (delivered)
Shipping & Handling Included!
We carry all new arrivals!
No close-out, no left-over, no liquidation, no auction AND no gimmick;
we deliver with shipping cost included in each item price, no hidden tricks!
More importantly, we are not turn-key type, online white-background cheap vendor-easy sites.
Please notice the difference!
  LED58144: WHITE Texas Hold'em LED Wall Clock with glass cover & chrome finish frame
Dimentional Details: 13.75-inch in diameter. Requires a AA battery for quartz clock movement. LED light is powered by a 5-ft AC/DC adapter to regular plug-in.
Battery is not included. Adapter is included. Total Weight : 3.2 lbs.
Image Right: Quartz Clock; Image Left: LED with electricity plug-in.
BIG! 15-inch GREEN Wall Neon Clock!
1 AA battery for quartz clock (all the time); Regular plug-in electricity for Neon (whenever you like)
Neon Electricity Adaptor included! Special Shipping/handling included!

Complete Modern Poker Sets ! All you need for a Poker game!!

[Upper Left] POKER-SET 3628AP-LF: Aluminum Carrying Case including 300 pcs Chips, Two-deck Cards, 5-pc Dice and Dealer Button; delivered.
[Upper Right] POKER-SET 5628AP-LF: Aluminum Carrying Case including 500 pcs Chips, Two-deck Cards, 5-pc Dice and Dealer Button; delivered.
 Illustration Universal Playing Cards System: POKER!
#2087 24 decks Poker-Sized Cards w/plastic coating!!
#2089 12 decks Poker-Sized Plastic Cards !!
wider/bigger than bridges/regular playing cards!
In large quantity, wholesale!
[Upper Left] POKER-2087: Each box of these Poker Sized Paper Playing Cards comes with 24 individual packets of plastic coated playing cards.
[Upper Right] POKER-2089: Each box of these Poker Sized Plastic Playing Cards contains 12 individual decks of plastic playing cards. The cards, stored within a protective plastic case, are made of 100% plastic to ensure durability.
 :::: ::
Illustrations [above: LEFT to RIGHT] Universal Cards Accessories System
2709L Universal Automatic Cards Shuffler (large!): Auto-Shuffler for up to 222 cards; its large capacity is good for regular Playing Cards up to 4 decks (208 cards); universal & automatic (4 "C" batteries)!
2710 Universal Cards Shoe (Acrylic): It holds up to 222 cards; Universal Use for Bridge/Poker Playing Cards Games!
2704 Universal Cards Shoe (Wood): It holds up to 222 cards; Universal Use for Bridge/Poker Playing Cards Games!
2700 Universal Chips: 160 std big CASINO chips in four colors, vinyl case!
2500 Universal Dice: 48 big dice in three colors (16 dice in each color)!
Design Your Own DELUXE POKER SETS !!!
LEFT: BIG Aluminum Poker Case Sets!
Ouside: Aluminum carrying cases, beautiful and strong; Inside: Padded with partitions!
Center: Partitions for TWO POKER DECKS (large Poker cards) with beautiful ribbons! AND dice cell!
Top #2740B (open) 6 semi-columns (3 on each SIDE) for 300 chips; 50 chips in every column! (for BIG 11.5-gram chips, and smaller!)
Bottom #2740D (closed) 10 semi-columns (5 on each SIDE) for 500 chips; 50 chips in every column! (for BIG 11.5-gram chips, and smaller!)
Shipping included, we deliver! CHIPS not included.
LEFT 2730D: BIG Alligator-Imitation Leatherette Poker Case Set!
Ouside: Alligator-Imitation Leatherette carrying case, beautiful and strong; Inside: Padded with partitions!
Center: Partitions for TWO POKER DECKS (large Poker cards)! AND dice area!
Sides: 10 columns (5 on each side) for 500 chips; 50 chips in every column! (for BIG 11.5-gram chips, and smaller!)
Chips, Decks, Dice not included. BIG CASE!!!!
Shipping included, we deliver!
 Wooden Poker Boxes!
[Left] POKER-BOX 1203BF: Wooden Empty Box for 300 pcs, decks, etc. set 16.5-inch x 9.75-inch x 3.25-inch EMPTY BOX.
[Right] POKER-BOX 1205BF: Wooden Empty Box for 500 pcs, decks, etc. set 13.75-inch x 10-inch x 4.25-inch EMPTY BOX.
Chips, Decks, Dice not included. Beautiful Boxes!! Shipping included, we deliver!
2700H (as shown at lower LEFT, 2 images: details & 300 chips) 300 Chips in 6 rolls/columns; 50 in each roll/column!
With DICE decorations on rims! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 dots !!!!!!
Red, Black, Purple, White, Blue, Green (6 color choices)! BIG CHIP: 1-9/16" in diameter, 11.5 grams in weight! heavy-duty! (not 3 grams, not 8 grams!!)
You can choose any color combinations; say, 2 rolls of Red, 2 rolls of Green, 1 roll of Blue, 1 rolls of Purple, for example!
2702H (as shown at lower RIGHT, 2 images: 500 chips & details) 500 Chips in 10 rolls/columns; 50 in each roll/column!
With CARD SUITs decorations on rims! Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs !!!!!!!!
Orange, Red, Pink, Grey, Purple, Green, Black, Yellow, White, Blue (10 color choices)! BIG CHIP: 1-9/16" in diameter, 11.5 grams in weight! heavy-duty! (not 3 grams, not 8 grams!!)
You can choose any color combinations; say, 3 rolls of Yellow, 2 rolls of Red, 2 rolls of Green, 1 roll of Blue, 1 rolls of Purple, 1 roll of Pink, for example!
Design Your Own BIG Dice Collections !!!
2714 10 Poker Dice in TWO clear cases as a set; ivory color with CARD SUITS dice faces!
2501 12 Dice in TWO clear cases as a set; 7 choices of color: Green, Red, Blue, Clear, Black, Ivory, White!
You own any combinations to come up with 8 set selections; say, 2 sets of #2714 and 6 sets of #2501 (3 sets of Green, 2 sets of Red, 1 set of Clear!)
Wooden Roulette sets in Aluminum Case!
(Games Set for Roulette and Blackjack)
5002L 10-inch Wooden Roulette Set.
5002XL 12-inch Wooden Roulette Set.
5002XXL 16-inch Wooden Roulette Set.
Aluminum Case in Box.
Shipping and Handling included.
We deliver!

[upper left]#5000XXL 16-inch roulette/blackjack with accessories, delivered.
[upper right]#7008 Deluxe 31.5-inch Long 3-in-1 (craps, roulette, blackjack) table set; special delivery. (special size with special shipping cost! included).
[upper left]#6004 6.5-inch roulette/domino/blackjack in vinyl violin case; USD 95.00 delivered.
[upper right]#6009 6.5-inch roulette/domino/blackjack in vinyl violin case; USD 90.00 delivered.
[below]#7009 36-inch x 18-inch 4-in-1 (craps, roulette, baccarat, blackjack) table set;
USD 110.00 specially delivered (special size with special shipping cost! included).
For other playing cards & card games please visit Cards & Card Games !
Thank you for your orders! The following methods are available for BINGOS POKERS & CASINOS !
Credit Cards [Secure Two-Step Process]      
Note that for your convenience shipping and handling are included in each item's unit price. (DELIVERED!)
Mail Orders (Checks/Money Orders/Mail-In Credit Card Orders) & Email Orders
Thank you for your orders! Please use the form provided below to place your
orders. If you don't want to copy our form, simply write down your own
orders with your own calculations of grand total price. For your convenience the
cost for shipping and handling has been INCLUDED in each item's unit price.
For Mail-In Credit Card Orders please also write in card type, number and expiration date.
- 165F 8-inch wire cage Bingo set @$75.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
- 5204 8.5-inch gold cage Bingo set @$75.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
- 5205 5.5-inch gold cage Bingo set @$64.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
- 5201 7-inch metal cage Wooden Bingo set @$75.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
- LED58144white WHITE TEXAS HOLD'em LED Wall Clock @$90.00 each; for........units, with a total of $................
- 8144 Texas Hold'em Green Neon Wall Clock 15-inch@$85.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.............
- 3628AP-LF: Alu. Poker Game Set (w/300 chips, dice, decks, button) @$110.00 each; for........units, with a total of $............
- 5628AP-LF: Alu. Poker Game Set (w/500 chips, dice, decks, button) @$140.00 each; for........units, with a total of $............
- 2087: 24 Decks Poker-Sized Cards w/plastic coating @$60.00 each; for........units, with a total of $............
- 2089: 12 Decks Poker-Sized Plastic Cards @$80.00 each; for........units, with a total of $............
- ShufAcShoe: Auto-Shuffler (2709L)+2710 Acrylic Card Shoe @$80.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $...........
- ShufWdShoe: Auto-Shuffler (2709L)+2704 Wood Card Shoe @$75.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $...........
- ChipsDice (2700+2500): 160 chips (4 colors)+48 big dice (3 colors) @$60.00; for..........units, with a total of $...........
- ChipsDouble (2700+2700): 320 CASINO chips (4 colors) in cases @$80.00; for..........units, with a total of $...........
- 2740B Alu. Poker Case (for 300 chips) Only @$60.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 2740D Alu. Poker Case (for 500 chips) Only @$65.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 2730D Alligator Poker Case (for 500 chips) Only @$72.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 1203BF Wooden Poker Case (for 300 chips) Only @$110.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 1205BF Wooden Poker Case (for 500 chips) Only @$130.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 2700H (any 6 colors for 300 chips) @$120.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 2702H (any 10 colors for 500 chips) @$180.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 2714+2501 Dice (any 8 selections 80-96 dice) @$50.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 5002L 10-inch Wooden Roulette/Blackjack Alum. Case Set @$119.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $............
- 5002XL 12-inch Wooden Roulette/Blackjack Alum. Case Set @$140.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $............
- 5002XXL 16-inch Wooden Roulette/Blackjack Alum. Case Set @$170.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $............
- 5000XXL 16-inch Roulette/Blackjack Set @$74.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $............
- 6004 6.5-inch Roulette/Combe Violin Set @$115.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 6009 6.5-inch Roulette/Combo Violin Set @$110.00 each; for........uinits, with a total of $...........
- 7009 36-inch 4-in-1 Table Set @$130.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
- 7008 deluxe 31.5-inch 3-in-1 Table Set @$199.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $............
Name ______________________________ Signature _______________________________
Grand Total Price US $ __________________.........____ Personal Check or ____ Money Order
Special Shipping Instructions: __________________________________________________
(For your convenience we can ship to any address as you wish; for
yourself or as a gift package. Simply put down your instructions: which
items to your address and any other items to different address as your gifts.)
Mail to MALL DOMINO : P.O. Box 79168 Waverley MA 02479-0168 USA
All prices are in US $Dollars.
Shipping time could be delayed for destinations outside of the USA.
Email Order to domino32@domino32.com
Where To Next?
An immediate claim must be filed for all damaged goods with carrier. Defective merchandise will be replaced only if reported within 5 days upon receipt of goods.
No returns accepted without prior authorization. Merchandise returned for credit are subject to a 20% restock fee.