New Crystal Chess, Marble Chess, Glass & Mirror Chess Sets
Also, New Pewter Chess, LED chess, Mirror/Glass Chess Sets
All major credit cards accepted ! Our prices include shipping and handling costs. In other words we deliver to anywhere you want, as a magnificent gift
from you to anyone or for yourself.
[Testimonial] Just received the chess set today. It's very beautiful. More than what I expected and better than the picture. Thanks.
We also provide major quantity whole-sale to cooperatives as elegant business-gifts; references available! Advanced online secure orders since 1997! Always New Arrivals! Chess Clubs group orders welcome!! Low, low prices! (delivery included!)
Left: #62176 CRYSTAL Chess Set
Our crystals are made from 'crystal blocks!', fired with a combination of quartz sand and natural materials. The raw crystal blocks
are cooled gradually to avoid internal stress and microscopic inclusions. Each crystal piece then is grounded into shape, carefully
polished to its final luster. This time-consuming process gives illustrious brilliance! Every piece of our crystal is 100% handmade!!
Deluxe CRYSTAL Chess Set (Black vs. White Crystal), Rare, Collectibles!
11.5-inch Glass/Mirror Board; (Black/White) King 2-inch tall! Shipping & Handling included; We Deliver!
Left: #2171LED-BR LED Glass Chess Set
New ! LED Light Glass Chess Set !
15-inch square special board w/AC-DC power line included.
Glass Chess Men (blue vs red) with special LED bottom/base.
3-1/4" tall King.
Shipping & Handling included; We Deliver!
Left: Marble Chess Sets
#2177 Green/Black Marble Set
16 by 16-inch chess board, marble darker green;
3.5-inch tall King & marble men, darker green marble;
Each Marble Set is a 15 pound package; size does matter!
#2178 Black/White 18 by 18-inch board, 4-inch tall King & marble men, 20 pound package! USD $260.00
#2178S Green/White 16 by 16-inch board, 3.5-inch tall King & marble men, USD $250.00
#2178GT Green/Brown 16 by 16-inch board, 3.5-inch tall King & marble men, USD $260.00
#2178BT Black/Brown 16 by 16-inch board, 3.5-inch tall King & marble men, USD $250.00
Another Look: Marble Chess Family
2177(green vs black, upper left), 2178BT(black vs brown/tan, upper right), 2178(black vs white, left), 2178GT(green vs brown/tan), 2178S(green vs white); same as above.
New 2170 (smaller 2178S)
Green vs White 14" x 14"
lower right 14 pounds
USD $200.00 delivered!
LEFT: #2172 Glass/Mirror Set
15-inch board with clear white vs shiny black men, 3" king;
USD $55.00; shipping/handling included.
LEFT: #2167 Multiple-Color Glass/Mirror Set
New Special Offer #2167 : new Multiple-Color Glass Set; Glass/Mirror 12-inch Board!
3-inch King; elegant! $100.00 USD, delivered!

Thank you for your orders! The following methods are available for CYBER CHESS !
Credit Cards [Secure Two-Step Process]      
Note that for your convenience shipping and handling are included in each item's unit price. (DELIVERED!)
Mail Orders (Checks/Money Orders/Mail-In Credit Card Orders) & Email Orders
Thank you for your orders! Please use the form provided below to place your
orders. If you don't want to copy our form, simply write down your own
orders with your own calculations of grand total price. For your convenience the
cost for shipping and handling has been INCLUDED in each item's unit price.
For Mail-In Credit Card Orders please also write in card type, number and expiration date.
- 62176 CRYSTAL Chess Set (glass/mirror board) @$349.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2171LED-BR Glass Chess Set (glass/blue vs red) @$199.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2177 Marble Set Green/Black @$210.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2178 Marble Set Black/White @$260.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2178S Marble Set Green/White @$250.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2170 Marble Set Green/White (Small)@$200.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2178GT Marble Set Green/Brown @$260.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2178BT Marble Set Black/Brown @$250.00 each; for......units, with a total of $.........
- 2172 Glass/Mirror Chess set 15-inch @$55.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $...........
- 2167 MuLti-Color Glass/Mirror Chess set 12-inch @$100.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $...........
Name ______________________________ Signature _______________________________
Grand Total Price US $ __________________.........____ Personal Check or ____ Money Order
Special Shipping Instructions: __________________________________________________
(For your convenience we can ship to any address as you wish; for
yourself or as a gift package. Simply put down your instructions: which
items to your address and any other items to different address as your gifts.)
Mail to MALL DOMINO : P.O. Box 79168 Waverley MA 02479-0168 USA
All prices are in US $Dollars.
Shipping time could be delayed for destinations outside of the USA.
Email Order to domino32@domino32.com
Where To Next?
An immediate claim must be filed for all damaged goods with carrier. Defective merchandise will be replaced only if reported within 5 days upon receipt of goods.
No returns accepted without prior authorization. Merchandise returned for credit are subject to a 20% restock fee. Non-Continental US/overseas order must be quoted for air/surface shipping cost depending on the country.