New Domino Games : Variations
All major credit cards accepted ! Our prices include shipping and handling costs. We deliver to anywhere you want as a magnificent gift
from you or for yourself.
Testimonial: The dominoes arrived by UPS yesterday and a group of us played with them until the early hours this morning. I'm pleased to say that, with your help, I was the only one of our group that
was able to find double 18's and purchase them. Thank you so much for your help.
Illustration : New Fancy Dominoes Sets !
[left] #DF1818 Double-18 Set
Beautiful lifelong durable set: Color-Coded Dots (blank through 18);
Vinyl game-case: 9 pounds in weight!
Tiles: Professional Size in white color!
You can play all Double-6, Double-9, Double-12, Double-15 & Double-18 games with this set!
By the way, how many Dominoes are there in a Double-18 set?
[left] #DF1818MT-2: ABOVE #DF1818 Double-18 Set PLUS Mextrain/Chicken Game!
Beautiful lifelong durable set: Color-Coded Dots (blank through 18);
Tiles: Professional Size in white color!
MEXICAN TRAIN/CHICKEN GAME SET Whistling, Whistling, Whistling!!
Whistling Train & Crowing Chicken Hub with Train and Chicken Markers!!
[left] #DF2527MT Double-18 Numeral Mexican Train Set
Beautiful lifelong durable set: Numeral Double-18 DOMINOES;
Color-Coded Numbers (blank through 18);
Mexican Train Games!
You can play all Double-6, Double-9, Double-12, Double-15 & Double-18 games with this set!
Hub & Trians; Vinyl Game-case;
Heavy-Duty Complete Set!!
Shipping & Handling included; we deliver!
[left] #DF131 Domino Poker Set (IN GREAT DETAILS!!!)
Yes! Professional-size DOMINOES for POKER games;
Lifelong Durable Set,
AKQJ10.....2; in all four suits: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs! Plus: JOKERS!
Beautiful game-case.
[left] #DF52054 Domino Poker Set (In Simplified Symbols!!!)
Yes! Professional-size DOMINOES for POKER games;
Lifelong Durable Set, (WHITE tiles)
AKQJ10.....2; in all four suits: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs! Plus: JOKERS!
Beautiful game-case.
Illustration : New DOMINO 32 Card Games
(from Ancient Chinese Traditions!)
Exciting & Educational solitaires & games with a GOLD deck of DOMINO 32 cards or a SILVER desk, or with both decks mixed together:
Bigger/Smaller; Cosmo Turtle; Dragon Dances; Heaven #9; Fair Lady; 21!; Pyramid; Concentration; Challenge..
A set of DOMINO 32 play-money (80 pieces) included; the booklet of 'Games Description & Rules' has more fun puzzles;
Sample Dragon Dances is shown here TWISTER; For details please visit DOMINO 32
Mysteries Through The Dark Tunnel Of History
Human kinds obtained wisdom through figures & shapes. Ancient Chinese began to put "dots" on the faces of a perfect cube; 1 through 6 dots on each of the 6 perfect sides: a "die" was born and a durable die, such as made from bone, could be a very interesting toy
in good old days! Then, there were "DICE" games using not just one die but 2, 3 or more. If rolling/playing two dice, a combination of two numbers (1 through 6) showed up; putting the combination on two ends of a tile such as durable bone plate, like two dice side-by-side, a "DOMINO" was born! Putting all possible combinations on many dominoes, a set of DOMINO games began to evolve!
Throughout many centuries a perfect "DOMINO 32" set was developed: combinations of two rolling dice; in 16 pairs also in a 4-by-4 matrix! Wonderful games from ancient China.
Of course there was this famous Mahjongg games from China, also on tiles; the ultimate sophisticated adult games ever in exsistence and still going strong...
West meets East
When Chinese games were introduced into Europe a few hundred years ago, strange things happened. Domino began to have blank ends, even though there is never a blank side on a die. Simple combinations of two numbers (0 through 6) made the western dominoes: Double-6 as the set was called; then, Double-9, Double-12, Double-15...Now they are all called Dominoes. Chinese game of falling dominoes (the simple discovery of magical gravity force) became very popular, by the end of the 20th century the record of falling dominoes in one big design has reached over one million, hitting down all kinds of set-ups high and low.
One of the famous Chinese Domino games: Pai-Gow became the only symbol of ancient Chinese dominoes. DOMINO 32 was forgotten, until now. The West, however, keeps the High Roller game, casting two dice; three dice Chinese game: Sic-Bao, also showed up in casinos. Since there's Pai-Gow, the West does not think Chinese ever had dominoes and when Mahjongg came to the West it had been called the ancient Chinese DOMINO games! After Jokers were put into traditional Mahjongg, it's much easier game and became Mahjong (one "g"). Traditional Mahjongg finally cleared its name away from dominoes recently. Now it's time to look into "DOMINO 32", the real traditional
Chinese DOMINO games. (By the way, some pizza company began to take over as 'domino', what goes around comes around. "DOMINO 32" will finally be cleared away from all confusions, and recognized as the real domino games!) A DOMINO 32 game set can be readily used to play Pai-Gow and "Bagchen", the most popular spiritual game in Tibet, China.
Left #2404 Pai-Gow (a.k.a. LONG BLACK DOMINO 32)
Traditional Chinese DOMINO 32 Tiles turn into long black set: Pai-Gow! Durable Lifelong Set delivered. Red & White Dots: DOTS: one through six. No blanks.
Ancient games as seen in many casinos! Vinyl snap-on case with triangular "window" on cover!
Also, #4808 Bagchen (a.k.a. LONG BLACK DOMINO 32-1985)
Two sets of #2404 for Tibetan Bagchen games! Same as Two Decks (Gold & Silver) DOMINO 32 Cards.
Four-Fold Table-Top for DOMINO GAMES! For 2-4 players!
Overall size: 36-inch x 36-inch (For any table 3-feet by 3-feet or bigger)!
8 Built-in DOMINO RACKS (2 on each side);
4 Cup Holders (one on every corner)!
Smooth Felt Playing Surface; Thickness: 1-1/8 inch!
Can Double as Regular Game Table for Casino and Board Games!
Vinyl Carrying Case (18" x 18" x 4-1/4" fold-up) Included!
Dominoes, Mexican Trains, Chicken Pieces not included.
Shipping/Handling INCLUDED! We deliver! Over 15-pound package!
Wooden DOMINO TILE RACK/HOLDER with angled-back-support!
Can Hold 7 Jumbo-Size DOMINO TILES! (8-inch rack; 12 racks per set; only one displayed)
Shipping included, we deliver!
Wooden DOMINO TILE RACK/HOLDER with angled-back-support!
Can Hold 10 Jumbo-Size DOMINO TILES! (12-inch rack; 6 racks per set; only two displayed)
Shipping/Handling INCLUDED!
Left: #2405P Long Plastic DOMINO TILE RACK/HOLDER!
Four Tiers, EACH TIER Can Hold 10+ Tiles! (8 racks per set; only one displayed)
Shipping/Handling Included!
Left: #2405A Long Plastic DOMINO TILE & CARD RACK/HOLDER!
Four Tiers, EACH TIER Has Deep Trough For Cards and Can Hold Tiles! (8 racks per set; only two displayed)
Shipping/Handling Included!
For DOMINO 32 Card Holders please go to Cards & Card Games
For double 6 & 9 DOMINO sets please visit/click on DOMINO: 6+6 9+9.
For double 12 & 15 DOMINO sets please visit/click on DOMINO CLUB 12+12 15+15: DRAGON DANCES.

Thank you for your orders! The following methods are available for DOMINO FANCIES 18+18 !
Credit Cards [Secure Two-Step Process]      
Note that for your convenience shipping and handling are included in each item's unit price. (DELIVERED!)
Mail Orders (Checks/Money Orders/Mail-In Credit Card Orders) & Email Orders
Thank you for your orders! Please use the form provided below to place your
orders. If you don't want to copy our form, simply write down your own
orders with your own calculations of grand total price. For your convenience the
cost for shipping and handling has been INCLUDED in each item's unit price.
For Mail-In Credit Card Orders please also write in card type, number and expiration date.
- DF1818(White Double-18) Domino Set @$86.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- DF1818MT-2 (White Double-18) Domino Set @$95.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- DF2527MT (Double-18) Mexican Train Domino Set @$90.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- DF131 Professional Domino Poker Set (Detailed) @$60.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- DF52054 Professional Domino Poker Set @$58.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- DOMINO32-1985 Gold/Silver Decks Card-Games Set @$12.00 each; for.........units, with a total of $...........
- 2404 Pai-Gow Long Black Tiles Set @$52.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- 4808 Bagchen Long Black Tiles Set @$76.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- 2536 DOMINO TABLE-TOP (w/case) @$99.00 each; for ..........units, with a total of $..........
- 2405 Wooden DOMINO RACKS/HOLDERS (12 per set) @$60.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- 2405L Long Wooden DOMINO Racks/Holders (6 per set) @$60.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- 2405P Big Plastic DOMINO Racks/Holders (8 per set) @$60.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
- 2405A Big Plastic DOMINO/Card Racks/Holders (8 per set) @$65.00 each; for........units, with a total of $..........
Name ______________________________ Signature _______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Grand Total Price US $ __________________.........____ Personal Check or ____ Money Order
Special Shipping Instructions: __________________________________________________
(For your convenience we can ship to any address as you wish; for
yourself or as a gift package. Simply put down your instructions: which
items to your address and any other items to different address as your gifts.)
Mail to MALL DOMINO : P.O. Box 79168 Waverley MA 02479-0168 USA
All prices are in US $Dollars.
Shipping time could be delayed for destinations outside of the USA.
Email Order to domino32@domino32.com
Where To Next?
An immediate claim must be filed for all damaged goods with carrier. Defective merchandise will be replaced only if reported within 5 days upon receipt of goods.
No returns accepted without prior authorization. Merchandise returned for credit are subject to a 20% restock fee. Non-Continental US/overseas order must be quoted for air/surface shipping cost depending on the country.
Special Report: DOMINO TOPPLING!!..
It's also called DOMINO PRINCIPLES/EFFECTS, the oldest gravity and anti-gravity game originated in China! Shown on the left, a typical three-dimensional DOMINO toppling game/toy set-up is very popular all over the world.
For world-record standard DOMINO toppling, a typical DOMINO is about 8 gram in weight; 45 mm long, 23mm wide and 8mm deep (approx.); a typical layout must have only ONE starting point and the rest three-dimensional spread-out is free art work. The Asia record was set on 01/01/2001 in China;
designed by an international team (China, Korea, Japan), the total number of toppled DOMINOES: 3,407,535! showing panda, the monkey king, The Great Wall, flags, opera geisha.... The new world record was set on 11/13, 2009 (annual domino day since 1998; Leeuwarden, Holland) :
4,491,863! (no new record since 2010 due to global economic issues...)
Special Report: DOMINO TIBET!!..
It's also called BAGCHEN, the most popular game in Tibet, China (from Lamas to commons, and among worldwide Tibetans in exile); it needs two sets of DOMINO32 tiles, or 64 "stones." As the Tibetan legend says, thousands of years ago the game was introduced to Tibet by super-beings 'Masangs.' It's understandable because
everything in Tibet is 'spiritual.' However, from DNA, Tea, to DOMINO, a lot of things in Tibet are related to China. One simple proof: Bagchen of Tibet does NOT have any domino with blank end! Clearly, Bagchen & PaiGow (TienGow, etc) are within the branches of DOMINO 32 family tree. Note that a set of DOMINO 32 (with two decks
inside) can be used to play Bagchen!