Traditional Chinese Sets: Snap-On cases #1211 & #1212; Attache cases #1261 & #1262. [BIG tiles & HUGE tiles]
Traditional Western Sets: Snap-On cases #1211W & #1212W; Attache cases #1261W & #1262W. [BIG tiles & HUGE tiles]
Compact Western Tiles Sets: Snap-On cases #2401L, 2402.
Bone-On-Bamboo Sets: #601L, #603S.
Plus: #2408 PVC Mahjongg Cards & #655 New Rules (Hands and Scores); #9027 Deluxe Mahjongg Tables; books & videos. (Special #2400RM Mahjongg stands/rulers/racks w/Mahjongg Money & Money Holders!)
Traditional/Chinese/International Mahjongg in the USA
{ including Wright Patterson AFB air-force-base play-style }
MAH-JONGG (two "G"s for traditional style) is one of the most popular, most played and most sophisticated adult games in this world!
We have new, original, Traditional Mah-Jongg: (144+tile sets, with blanks/extras; NO JOKERS, NO RACKS) for TRADITIONAL Chinese/Japanese/Cantonese/Taiwanese/Hong Kong/Asian/International/Europe Play-styles!! (without or with English letters)
Our prices include shipping and handling costs. In other words we deliver to your place or anywhere you want, for yourself or as a magnificent gift.
{Gold Mahjongg & Special Mahjongg Items in Mahjongg Showcase at page bottom}
The original online Mahjongg/Mahjong with encrypted secure services since 1997
[testimonial] Thank you for the quick delivery without charging me more. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again.
Traditional/Chinese Mahjongg : Traditional Sets [for International/Asian (Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese, Singapore, Philippines, etc.) and European play-styles]
. . . . . . . .
{A}Typical Traditional : thin Water-Buffalo bone (tile-face with dovetailed insertion) backed with Bamboo block; no ivory !
Also, new modern Mahjongg sets with two-tone tiles !! To find out why traditional Mahjongg was once called "ancient Chinese domino games" please visit DOMINO!.
{B}Typical Western Traditional : with English letters & numbers on tiles corners.
[NOTE]: Western means English letters on traditional-set tiles (144+ with blanks & extras).

For so-called complete sets with English-lettered tiles (160+ with Jokers, extras & RACKS) used for American/Jewish(Jokers) play-styles, please visit our pretty sister site MAHJONG SHOP.(one "g", standard off-ivory and off-white tiles) Of course since
complete sets have more tiles they can be used to become Typical Western Traditional sets for International/Asian/Europe play-styles, too; simply putting aside the Jokers ! Also, visit MY MAHJONG: custom-built & custom-made centers to find hundreds of choices in color tiles, cases, racks!
Best Mahjongg Store! Compare! Quality, Price & Service! Best Mahjongg Store!
All New Arrivals! Not Vintages, Not Auctions; One Price, Delivered! No Gimmicks.
Traditional Mahjongg Sets (modern case design, NO English letters on tiles)
[Left] 1211 (open case PVC snap-on, 13 inch x 9.5 inch x 1.5 inch, Weight: 11 pounds.)
Big 34mm tiles : 1 & 3/8-inch tall; (144 plus 2 blank tiles, accessories)
1212 (closed, PVC snap-on, 14.5 inch x 11 inch x 2 inch, Weight : 12 pounds.)
Huge 37mm tiles : 1 & 1/2-inch tall; (144 plus 2 blank tiles, accessories)
All modern design sets (1211, 1212, 1261, 1262) come with choices of tiles in four different colors : all ivory, blue/greyish-back, green-back & red/burgundy-back!
Traditional Mahjongg Sets (modern briefcase design, NO English letters on tiles)
[Left] 1261 (open case Attache, 15 inch x 10.5 inch x 2.5 inch, Weight : 12.5 pounds.)
Big 34mm tiles, similar to 1211, 144 + 4 blanks with accessories.
1262 (closed Attache, 16.5 inch x 11 inch x 2.5 inch, Weight : 14 pounds.)
Huge 37mm tiles, similar to 1212, 4 blanks.
Game instruction booklet in English! Easy to learn traditional (also, new international for 21st Century) Mahjongg games! All sets (1211, 1212, 1261, 1262) have one booklet inside and all tiles are without English letters. Mahjongg has only a few Chinese characters on tiles; it takes no time to become familiar!
Traditional Western Mahjongg Sets: 1211W, 1212W, 1261W, 1262W same as above with color-back choices; English numerations on tiles ! {NEW style!}
Traditional Western Mahjongg Sets
[Left] 2401L:
Big-Tiles Set 34mm tall (1 & 3/8-inch) big-thick English tiles, (144 regular tiles plus 4 blanks maybe served as Jokers);
dice & marker; instruction booklet; 9 pounds in weight.
size : 19.5 inch x 7 inch x 2 inch. (tile-back in green)
no racks, no Jokers. (Asian & International Play-Styles)
[Left] 2402: black case
Compact Set 28mm tall (1 & 1/8-inch) thick English tiles (144 regular tiles plus 4 blanks maybe served as Jokers); size: 9 inch x 6.25 inch x 2 inch.
dice & marker; English booklet; black vinyl case; 5 pounds in weight.
no racks, no Jokers. (Asian & International Play-Styles, NEW hunter-green tile-back)
[RIGHT] 906 SPECIAL OFFER: Soft Case Mahjongg Set
{906} Soft Case Traditional Mahjongg (Bone-On-Bamboo): RED or BLACK; NEW SPECIAL OFFER (limited time only) !
soft clothe carriying case in RED color! or, in BLACK color! matching wraps for tile trays and racks (red or black).
complete MAHJONGG SET: 152 big Bone-On-Bamboo tiles, Mahjongg Money, dice, marker, booklet;
w/4 clear-color racks + pushers combo: solidarity [2477]! Good for American/Jewish Jokers Mahjong game, too!
Shipping/Handling INCLUDED! We deliver! Heavy-duty package!
Universal Imprints (gold or blue)! on BLACK BAGS, special symbols only: I ♥ Mah Jongg
SPECIAL OFFER : Traditional Western Mahjongg Sets (antique style, bone-on-bamboo blocks/tiles)
Rare to find & collectible; English letters on blocks/tiles!
601L Beautiful royal-blue brocade/satin on thick paper-board box lined in lime-green, 14"x10"x2.25" with toggle/pin locks;
144 (plus 4 blanks and 4 extras!) bone on bamboo blocks (32mm x 25mm x 12.5mm; 1&1/4 inch high x 7/8 inch wide x 1/2 inch deep; 4mm or 3/16 inch bone-face!) with English numerations. 
All sets have counting sticks, Mhings, accessories and English game instruction booklet.
Standard bone-face (egg-shell color) with dovetailed-insertion into bamboo blocks. Five paper-board trays : 4 for tiles & 1 for extras, counting sticks, Mhings and accessories.
USAMJC Participation: Science/Discovery Network TV Program
special HD feature presentation : 2014 How Do They Do It
click on "Tiles", wait for "Global" downloading

Hand-Made Collectibles : Bone-On-Bamboo Tiles/Blocks With Dovetailed Insertion!
Detail Illustrations:
[LEFT]2408Cards Traditional/Chinese Mahjongg Playing Cards: 178 cards (100% PVC, non-tearable, water-proof, card size: 2.0 inch x 3.0 inch); only 144 cards needed, with 34 extra American Jokers, Flowers, blanks, etc.! English numeration. New Universal Package!
plus [LEFT]2708Stands Cards Stands
a set of FOUR (4) pine wood, 3-tiers, 9-inch long Universal Cards Stands 
[LEFT]2400RM Mahjongg Racks & Money
{2400R} Racks/Stands/Rulers in (4) different colors: NEW Transparent clear-red, clear-yellow, clear-green & clear-blue! Each has brass Money holder on left end with (4) rubber-tip Money stands.
{2400M} Mahjongg Money in traditional Chinese round shape with square center hole; various colors. We deliver 2400R & 2400M as a set!
... ...
[ABOVE]9027 Mahjongg Table
{9027} Mahjongg Table: NEW Multi-Function Game Table (Green Surface durable for all games).
Square Table 35-inch x 35-inch; Height: 27-3/4-inch. With elevated edges for wrists to rest on! Foldable legs for easy storage (and for shipment!). Shipping included, we deliver!
[ALSO]9027C Mahjongg Table Cover
{9027C} Mahjongg Table Cover 36-inch square table cover. With adjustable Snaps!
[LEFT]9028 Mahjongg Table Top
{9028} Mahjongg Table Top: NEW Multi-Function Game Table Top (Soft Green Felt Surface durable for all games).
Square Table Top 36-inch x 36-inch; Overall size: 38-inch x 38-inch (For any table 3-feet by 3-feet or bigger)!
Four-Fold Table-Top for MAHJONG GAMES! For 2-4 players!
8 Built-in EXTRA MAHJONG RACKS (2 on each side); 4 Cup Holders (one on every corner)!
Smooth Felt Playing Surface; Thickness: 1-1/8 inch!
Can Double as Regular Game Table for Casino and Board Games!
Vinyl Carrying Case (18" x 18" x 4-1/4" fold-up) Included!
Shipping/Handling INCLUDED! We deliver! Heavy-duty package!
Best Mahjongg Store! Quality, Price & Service! Compare! Best Mahjongg Store!
All New Arrivals! Not Vintages, Not Auctions; One Price, Delivered! No Gimmicks.
UNIQUE Traditional
Mahjongg sets as shown @ page bottom: direct import, special arrangement with delivery time about 8 weeks, Email orders only! One-On-One Services.
Also, two new projects: Amazing Computerized Mahjongg Tables (automatic shuffling, setting, dicing) and 24K Gold wrapped tile-back sets/tiles are available for Email reservation! Please visit our cousin site Mahjong Mahjongg Everywhere to view details and make arrangements. This Mahjongg Store patrons in records shall have priority previledge. Email reservations only, no other methods accepted! Thanks.
Thank you for your orders! The following methods are available for MAH-JONGG !
Credit Cards [Secure Two-Step Process]      
Note that for your convenience shipping and handling are included in each item's unit price. (DELIVERED!)
Mail Orders (Checks/Money Orders/Mail-In Credit Card Orders) & Email Orders
Toll-Free USA orders
Thank you for your orders! Please use the form provided below to place your
orders. If you don't want to copy our form, simply write down your own
orders with your own calculations of grand total price. For your convenience the
cost for shipping and handling has been INCLUDED in each item's unit price.
For Mail-In Credit Card Orders please also write in card type, number and expiration date.
- 1211 (144 w/B) big 34mm tiles, black pvc snap-on case@$178.00 each; for....units, with a total of $.........
- 1212 (144 w/B) huge 37mm tiles, black pvc snap-on case@$184.00 each; for....units, with a total of $.........
- 1261 (144 w/B) big 34mm tiles in black Attache set @$188.00 each; for........units, with a total of $.........
- 1262 (144 w/B) huge 37mm tiles in black Attache set @$194.00 each; for........units, with a total of $.........
- 1211W (144 E w/B) big 34mm tiles, black pvc snap-on case@$184.00 each; for....units, with a total of $.........
- 1212W (144 E w/B) huge 37mm tiles, black pvc snap-on case@$188.00 each; for....units, with a total of $.........
- 1261W (144 E w/B) big 34mm tiles in black Attache set @$192.00 each; for........units, with a total of $.........
- 1262W (144 E w/B) huge 37mm tiles in black Attache set @$198.00 each; for........units, with a total of $.........
- 2401L (E B) 34 mm big set @$128.00 each; for...........units, with a total of $..............
- 2402 (E B) 28 mm compact set @$115.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
- 601L (E C B) large bone-on-bamboo tiles in blue case @$219.00 each; for......units, with a total of $...........SALE! (from $245.00)
- 601LPVCcase (E C B) large bone-on-bamboo tiles in PVC case @$239.00 each; for......units, with a total of $...........
- 601LGrand (E B) large bone-on-bamboo tiles in Wood case (w/2477 racks/pushers) @$289.00 each; for......units, with a total of $...........
- 906Grand (E B) large bone-on-bamboo tiles in Soft Clothe case (w/2477 racks/pushers) @$269.00 each; for......units, with a total of $...........
- Cards-MjggC: Traditional/Chinese Mjgg PVC Cards Set(2408)+4(2708)Stands @$72.50 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
- 655 4 sets New International Hands/Scores @$50.00 each; for........units, with a total of $.............
- 2477CLCRRP four clear-color racks & pushers combo solidarity set @$56.90 each, for........units, with a total of $............
- 2400RM four solid-color racks & mahjong money @$56.90 set; for..........units, with a total of $..........
- 2400CRRM four clear-color racks & mahjong money @$56.90 set; for..........units, with a total of $..........
- 9027 & 9027C Mahjongg Table & Cover (delivered) @$149.00 set; for..........units, with a total of $..........
- 9028 Mahjongg Table Top (delivered) @$99.00 set; for..........units, with a total of $..........
Name ______________________________ Signature _______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Grand Total Price US $ _________________.........____ Personal Check or ____ Money Order
Special Shipping Instructions: __________________________________________________
(For your convenience we can ship to any address as you wish; for
yourself or as a gift package. Simply put down your instructions: which
items to your address and any other items to different address as your gifts.)
Mail to MALL DOMINO : P.O. Box 79168 Waverley MA 02479-0168 USA
Pay to: MALL DOMINO. All prices are in US $Dollars.
Shipping time could be delayed for destinations outside of the USA.
Email Order to domino32
Where To Next?

Please 'click' the following banner to view details of Mahjong Playing Cards (152, including 8 Jokers) & Mahjongg Playing Cards (144) systems, including accessories such as Card-Stands, Auto-Shufflers, Deck-Shoes! Extremely good for eye-sight challenged
players and/or elderly fans; we serve all Mahjong/Mahjongg participants.
Please 'click' the following banner to view details of USA Mahjongg Club (USAMJC) Magic Gifts: Jewelry Boxes/Chests! including special free Mahjongg accessory!
Books & Videos
Published Mahjong/Mahjongg Books can provide valuable sources of various playstyles and their rules: solitaires, two-players, regular four-players, etc. (Great Gifts)
World renown Mahjong/Mahjongg Videos can provide unique entertainments to fans and all walks-of-life! (Nice Gifts, click on "search" to start)
Example: Book: "Mah-Jongg : Basic Rules & Strategies"
(Four-Star by readers review!)
Example: Video: "Mah-Jongg : The Tiles That Bind"
(Four-Star by readers review!)
We do NOT link any Mahjongg accessories/cruise-tournaments/copycats-variations vendors who could not deliver the goods; only abuse Mahjongg games & fans.
An immediate claim must be filed for all damaged goods with carrier. Defective merchandise will be replaced only if reported within 5 days upon receipt of goods.
No returns accepted without prior authorization. Merchandise returned for credit are subject to a 20% restock fee. Non-Continental US/overseas order must be quoted for extra air/surface shipping cost depending on the country.
. .
 Left : Gold Mahjongg Set
Solid Gold; oriental style; hardened surface!

Above : Face-Down Mahjongg Set
Thick weighted face; Stay face-down during shuffling!
Below : Mahjongg Walkway
30,000 tiles walkway; heavy duty; easy to clean!

Something Old; Something New; Something Big, Very, Very Big!
Many Japanese believe Mahjongg is the symbol of Japan's miracle economic growth right after WW2. From ruins Japan rebuilt herself, labor force and management worked hard together and played hard together;
that is, played Mahjongg hard together after work. Different play-styles have been developed throughout Japan; also public Mahjongg play-gardens.
Towards the end of the 20th century Mahjongg became less attractive because of "individualism/isolation" and Japan's economy slipped.......To try to call back
the good old days (or, a nostalgic act) a Mahjongg Museum opened up (1999/04/10 grand opening, 10AM-5PM Tuesday through Sunday, closed Monday, ticket price : 200 yen, about $2 USD) in Chiba (thousand-leaves), Japan for Japanese to honor and accept the "invasion" of Chinese Mahjongg into her culture.
This first-in-the-world Mahjongg Museum with its tremendous collections and modern multi-media displays will forever record 20th century's Mahjongg explosion, not just in Japan, but in Europe, the USA, the whole world. In the Museum there are over 3,000 various Mahjongg sets including (Chinese) "Last Emperor"s imperial set; (in seven colors: 'ivory' tile front, 'ebony' tile back,
'five-color' mother-of pearl/shell insertions on every tile! This Mahjongg Store has detailed photo of this World-Class-Treasure Mahjong) 1,500 related items
such as marble playing-table, over 10,000 Mahjongg books from all over the world in different languages. {Below: antique Mahjongg sets/cases}
In the US Mahjongg JOKERS clearly marked the growth and developments of Mahjongg games's glorious popularity, since early 20th century when it was first introduced into North America.
Mahjongg playing cards/variations, they come and go; electronic and internet online Mahjongg plays (solitaires, networks, CDs, roles, voice control....),
they are coming and coming.... Still, they're virtual, not real at all!
In China, the birthplace of Mahjongg; by the end of the 20th century there're State-run tournaments under State-established "Rules and Regulations" for this "social sports", first time in Mahjongg's 2,000-year history.
"Ban the gambling; not Mahjongg tiles!"; "Soccer won't do for China, Mahjongg shall!"; "Make Mahjongg an elegant game like Bridge with international rules and organizations!" and the "Rules" details; more to come...
50% techniques, 30% mentality, 20% luck!
Can you complete each of your turn in 30 seconds? (A football quaterback has to!)
The Sparrow Is Small; But A Complete Creature !
 {Left} Mahjongg Parody ! Samurai Style.
Special Mahjongg table with four drawers; dice; Rulers and, of course, Mahjongg set; but swords?
Yes, pay up, or else...
{Below} Lucky Star : Mahjongg Bhudda

Protocol : Mahjongg Sports Rules (Tounaments/Competitions)
Chapter One: General Rules : Section I : Purpose. Section II : Conducts Standards.
Chapter Two: Equipments & Arena : Section III : Mahjongg Tiles & Accessories. Section IV : Arena Facilities.
Chapter Three: Competition Rules : Section V : Terminology & Basic Rules. Section VI : Competition Process. Section VII : Games Movements. Section VIII : Completion Of Games. Section IX : Scores & Points. Section X : Results Computations. Section XI : Ranking Determination. Section XII : Absence
Chapter Four: Penalty : Section XIII : Penalty Methods. Section XIV : Violation Activities & Its Penalties.
Chapter Five: Appeal : Section XV : Right To Appeal. Section XVI : Appeal Procedures & Judgement.
Chapter Six: Addendum: Section XVII : Interpretation Authority.
More to Come ! Please Bookmark/Favorite This Store !
Happy New Mahjongg Fun !!
Thank you for caring and letting us know there are sabotages trying to hurt our Mahjongg Store. We believe we can meet any challenge and further provide elegant intellectual services with our secure online sites established since 1997. Again, thanks for suggestions and encouragements.
