Thank you ! The following methods are available for DOMINO32 : Diamond Dynasty

Credit Cards On-Line, Secure Direct Input SSL

Note that for your convenience shipping and handling are included in each item's unit price. (DELIVERED! minimum order USD $10.00)
Please input the following information:
Please put down (a) how many units and (b) $ubtotal for each item.
#1685 Gold Deck [DOMINO 32] @$6.00: (a)units, (b)$ubtotal #1785 Silver Deck [DOMINO 32] @$6.00: (a)units, (b)$ubtotal #1885 Play Money @$4.00: (a)units, (b)$ubtotal #1985 DOMINO32 Card Games [DOMINO 32 & DOMINO 64] @$12.00:(a)units, (b)$ubtotal #2035 DOMINO32 Card Games w/o Money @$9.00:(a)units, (b)$ubtotal #2085 Diamond Dynasty [DOMINO 128] @$23.00: (a)units, (b)$ubtotal #1985DOZ DOMINO32 Card Games (dozen) @$85.00:(a)units, (b)$ubtotal #2035DOZ DOMINO32 Card Games (dozen) w/o PlayMoney @$60.00:(a)units, (b)$ubtotal Grand Total: $$$sum of all (b)s above
Full Name: *first and last names Street Address: *number, unit, street City: State/Country: ZIP: Email Address: *required to receive confirmation (Area) Telephone:*optional
Any additional Comments: (including special shipping instructions, such as some order items going to different names and addresses, eg. as gifts)

I would like to become a member of Club DOMINO32. (optional)
Thank you for your order! [To Secure Second Step w/Discounts!]

Mail Orders (Checks/Money Orders/Mail-In Credit Card Orders) & Email Orders

Thank you for your orders! Please use the form provided below to place your orders. If you don't want to copy our form, simply write down your own orders with your own calculations of grand total price. For your convenience the cost for shipping and handling has been INCLUDED in each item's unit price. For Mail-In Credit Card Orders please also write in card type, number and expiration date. {minimum order USD $10.00}
  1. #1685 Gold Deck [DOMINO 32]@$6.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
  2. #1785 Silver Deck [DOMINO 32]@$6.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
  3. #1885 Play Money@$4.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
  4. #1985 DOMINO 32 Card Games [DOMINO 32 & DOMINO 64]@$12.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
  5. #2035 DOMINO 32 Card Games w/o PlayMoney@$9.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
  6. #2085 Diamond Dynasty [DOMINO 128]@$23.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $..............
  7. #2185 DOMINO 32 Tile design/production stage, not available at this time.
  8. #1985DOZ DOMINO 32 Card Games (dozen)@$85.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
  9. #2035DOZ DOMINO 32 Card Games (dozen) w/o PlayMoney@$60.00 each; for..........units, with a total of $............
  10. #2285 Electronic DOMINO planning stage, not available at this time.
  11. #2385 Memorabilia DOMINO planning stage, not available at this time.
  • Name ______________________________ Signature _______________________________
  • Address____________________________________________________________________
  • Grand Total Price US $ _______________________......__ Personal Check or __ Money Order
  • Special Shipping Instructions: __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________________________________
  • (For your convenience we can ship to any address as you wish; for yourself or as a gift package. Simply put down your instructions: which items to your address and any other items to different address as your gifts.)

  • #2485 Club DOMINO 32 _____YES! I want to be a member of Club DOMINO 32.

  • Mail to DOMINO 32 Co. P.O. Box 79168 Waverley MA 02479-0168 USA
  • Pay to: MALL DOMINO.
  • All prices are in US $Dollars.
  • Shipping time could be delayed for destinations outside of the USA.

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